Transformative Events

I was really struck by the ingenuity of the section of Gormenghast when the castle floods - it's a great way to take a familiar landscape and completely transform its appearance and the way the characters interact with it while still retaining the essence of the setting. So without further ado, here's a list of transformative events in Strigastadt: 1: Deadly Winters Like an exaggerated version of living in Minneapolis, the winters heap such an incredible amount of snow in the streets and on the roofs that both become infeasible methods of travel. When the first snows fall folks will erect sturdy wooden hyphens between the isolated structures that are not connected by covered tunnels of masonry, side-routes through other structures, or by upper levels of the ancient tunnels that lie beneath the streets. Travel via the winding and indirect interior byways is much slower and at times buildings that face each-other across broad avenues will have such a roundabout path between t...