A Generator Game
[Edit - Refined and PDF'd version here ] Game playtested with my friends a single time - so take with a grain of salt. It's sloppy fun though, and part of the point of it is to end up with play artifacts that can be used elsewhere. Requirement: an understanding of how some D&D concepts work (DCs, combat mostly). It's nice to have a reference for average AC, HD, damage, and DCs as well for folks less familiar. Start the game with a stack of index cards. Each person makes (should take < 15 minutes in the making phase): - A class + starting item (at a minimum, HD and level-up requirement [kill three snakemen per level, etc], but trapfinding bonuses, attack bonuses, special abilities are nice) - A piece of loot - A spell (either go Vancian with your spellcasting or have a spellcasting DC on each spell, detail what happens on success or failure) - A monster (HD, attack bonus, AC, damage, you know the drill) [probably start with 1-3 HD monsters, go up 1-2 HD w...